Tel: 01782 777 511

Inspection Reports

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‘Leaders work together in supporting the staff team to deliver a high standard of care to young people, who are making good progress across all aspects of their development.’


‘Caring and attentive staff provide young people with emotional warmth.’


‘The views, wishes and feelings of young people are central to the day-to-day running of the home. Key-work sessions and young people’s meetings take place regularly and allow young people to discuss all aspects of the home, their care, and individual issues relating to them. ‘


‘Young people have provided very positive feedback about their experiences at the home and report that they feel safe and well cared-for.’


‘Young people receive good quality care from a staff team who understands and responds well to their individual needs.’


‘Managers and staff demonstrate a positive attitude to supporting and maintaining young people‟s placements.’


‘Young people benefit from effective, high-quality support from staff. Young people make good progress taking into account their individual starting points, across all aspects of their physical, social, emotional and behavioural development.’


‘Good links with the therapy team ensure that the young person’s emotional health needs are met.’


This privately run children’s home is registered to provide care and accommodation for up to four children who may have emotional and/or behavioural difficulties.


This privately owned children’s home provides care for up to three children who may have social and emotional difficulties.

Quotes from Inspection Reports

‘Young people have provided very positive feedback about their experiences at the home and report that they feel safe and well cared-for.’



Encourage Independence & Confidence


Steering Good Decisions Making

Practical Activities

Develop & Explore New Interests

Outdoor Activities

Encourage Team Building and Fun